Side Income Planet is a one stop shop for entrepreneurs and anybody with entrepreneurial spirit who wants to take control of their lives, wants financial freedom and is prepared to work to achieve that.

But, you say, “I’m not an Entrepreneur”.

Sure you are.  Anybody who starts to take control of their own finances and provides something extra of value that others will pay for is, an entrepreneur. “a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.”

Your local hairdresser, plumber and landscape gardeners are all entrepreneurs, they’re just not at the Wolf of Wall Street scale. As a Side Income Earner you too are one.

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Walt Disney

So, what is a Side Income?

A Side Income, sometimes called a Side Hustle or Side Earner, is anything you do, outside of any traditional job, to earn extra money.

You may do that for a massive variety of reasons.

  • You need more money;
  • You have a particular project or holiday planned;
  • You believe you can do better than you are doing at the moment;
  • You have a creative flair which is not satisfied at work;
  • You are a stay at home mother;
  • You want to be a millionaire.

It doesn’t matter what your reason is to anybody, other than yourself.  Your reason is your “WHY”, the thing that motivates you to act.

So what do I need to get going?

The great news is that there is only one thing you absolutely need to get going, a take action mindset.

That’s not the type of mindset which sees every day as sunny, nor every challenge as golden. It is the type of bloody minded attitude which will cause you to take action, and if you truly want it, you will have that determination.

Have a look at our 2020 Side Income Attitude webinar to help you shape how you set about pursuing your own goals for the next year.

But, I don’t know what I can do

Well that’s where this site steps in.

We’ve put everything you need on just a few pages, and this is the first of them.

If you’re starting out, then Identify your Side Income Earner is the one for you.

It lists more than 100 side income ideas, each one of which we have summarised with:

  • What it is;
  • Possible returns;
  • Whether it is a time for money or potentially greater proposition;
  • Where to find expertise to guide you.

The next two key pages are Books, where you can read more about it from people who have been successful, and Useful Resources, where we provide links to possible resources which can help you.

We regularly add to our information, new links, refined ideas and new methods of earning a Side Income. Make sure you don’t miss out on any nuggets and sign up here for all of the latest thinking from some of the world’s leading Side Income experts.

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