Here we go, bottom line up front, Start Now, Get Perfect Later, is one of those business books which everybody should read, and from which everyone will gain something.

Rob Moore is an entrepreneur who has made much of his wealth from property but has expanded his entrepreneurial activities since then. He has a well known podcast the Disruptive Entrepreneur. This book is his 10th, and brings together his own personal learning and the best practice advice he has received from numbers of experts over two decades.

The book is easy to follow, and is written in a series of small and easily digestible chapters. It is the perfect to dip in and out of when you have a spare five or 10 minutes or a few stops on the tube while commuting.

Let me confess at this stage, that I listened to, rather than read, the book. The only thing I ever find missing from that experience, is that I don’t always have a notebook and pencil available from me to jot down good ideas or mark a page. This is one of those books where you will want to jot down a lot of ideas for you to think through.

I’d like to think that I’m quite an efficient person, good at time management, reasonably good at delegating, and fairly results oriented. I have been running organisations and projects for more than 30 years now. Although I’d heard of Rob Moore before starting the book, I think I expected that I would listen to a book which simply regurgitated lots of advice I had previously heard. In the end, I only started it because somebody else talked it up on a webinar.

With each chapter being broken into small discrete parts, focusing on a single idea, it is an easy book to pick through, and find good advice on areas of self-management that you may be struggling with. For those of you who do not often read these books, perhaps questioning the value of receiving coaching this way, then I would encourage you to open up and give it a go.

I had never heard of the Pomodoro tomato, nor the technique named after it, but now I am the proud owner of the said tomato timer. Over the last few weeks while I have been trying to take on a number of new tasks, that technique alone has helped me to manage my focus.

Moore, has an excellent way of describing time and how tasks are split. I particularly liked the, somewhat OCD, scientific approach he applied. It has the feel of the ‘marginal gains’ approach used by top athletes. Cross grain this with the black and white approach he uses as a financially motivated entrepreneur, and it does cause you to think hard about how well you use your time.

His framework for organising your time, your day, your year, and your diary is well worth trying out. From my own point of view, it has forced me to address how I have approached a number of tasks.

This is the type of book I think I will listen to more than once. It is certainly a type of book I will refer to, to refresh myself on some of the ideas and to re-motivate myself when things are not always going right. Moore has narrated this book himself, and has a very engaging, and amusing style. It was an easy listen.

Start Now, Get Perfect Later, deserves to be among the 10 must read books, Side Income Planet recommends.

John Collicutt

After more than 25 years of "normal" employment, four years ago John decided that the world of work was changing and that long term financial security would come from creating multiple streams of income. John writes and works on building successful side incomes.

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